Pastor Cathy serves as the pastor for Christ Lutheran Church. She earned a Masters of Divinity from Vanderbilt's Divinity School, and affiliated with Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, OH to complete Lutheran requirements. Her first career was in Accounting/Finance which concluded as Controller of a mining company, and a second career in Information Technology as a project manager. Throughout her life, she has participated in many aspects of church life and leadership including choir, Sunday School teacher of all ages, youth advisor, council member, outreach chairperson, etc. She has also participated in synod and church-wide activities focused around anti-racism and cross-cultural work. Through formal education, Clinical Pastoral Education, and internship, she has deepened the value of the sacred space we share both with those inside and outside our walls. as we follow Jesus and share journeys together. It is so important that we support each other so that we all may flourish and be all God intends for us to be.